Saturday, July 18, 2015

We Are All In This Together

Being a newlywed is such an amazing time, at least that is what I have heard. You start a new life together with the love of your life. You often start a family as well. Your desires and passions are finally being met by someone who loves you for you.  What happens a few weeks after your wedding day?   What happens when you get back from your awesome honey moon?  The real life begins and there are trials and challenges to being together rather than a single individual. Yes, there are expenses, rules, passions, and different ideas of how to raise your children, but is that all?   Of course not, you have two families now.  Harper, J. M. and Olsen, S. F. explained the transition wonderfully.
"Creating Healthy Ties With In-Laws and Extended Families. Harper, J. M. & Olsen, S. F. (2005)
“Marrying into a family that is different from yours or has different values can be a challenge.  Demonstrating humor, exercising patience, overlooking small irritations, and looking for the positive can help in dealing with differences.  One woman said; When I met (his) parents…. I didn’t agree with them on religion, politics, or even on how to cook a pot roast.  I really wasn’t even sure if I liked them.  But then I had to remember they had raised (my husband), and I love him, so there must be something good about them.  At that point, I began to enjoy their differences, and to love them, too.”
Marriage is not only difficult for the children to transition, but it is difficult for a mother and father.  They have raised their children for about two decades and then in sometimes a few months they turn to talk to and ask advice to their spouse more often than their parents.  This is not a one way street.  Both sides are affected when these things happen.  As these authors continue to write, they paint a picture of what it might look like on the other side of the spectrum. 
Creating Healthy Ties With In-Laws and Extended Families. Harper, J. M. & Olsen, S. F. (2005)
“Mothers-In-Law usually discover early that their daughters-in-law are not like them, and in some cases, this may be upsetting.  Parents who are more enmeshed with their children hold expectations their children-in-law will be like them.  A more realistic expectation is that children-in-law will bring new perspectives into the family, and the family can learn from these differences and be complemented by them.  This may be especially difficult when a child marries someone who is less active or not a member, or a child marries someone who is the only member of the Church in this or her family.  Parents who can work toward inclusion of a new son- or daughter-in-law and who show increased love and support have the best relationships with their married children and more influences in the lives of their grandchildren.”
We see that both parents and children are affected when two people get married.  This doesn’t mean it is all bad.  Positive relationships can be formed and often are.  What we need to understand is how we should act when we are married or when our children are mar
ried.  We need to know God has a plan for us to return to live with him some day and being the best people we can be involves marrying and creating a family together.  This life is an opportunity to learn and grow, adapt and change.  Let’s not think that when we get married, we are the only ones that matter.  As parents, let us not think we are the ones needing to be pleased after our child’s marriage.  Let us be more Christ like and create a larger family as God intended us to have.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Who has the power?

Have you ever been in a situation where one person dominates the discussion, doesn’t listen to your thoughts/ideas, or won’t give you the opportunity to prove yourself?  How did you feel?  What did you do as a result?  Now, did you have to accomplish something with that person?  When one person has all the power in a relationship or in a group, the outcomes of performing a task are not as good as they could have been with the calibration of two people.  Marriages often can be improved and raising children effectively if a couple works together and not against one another.  Gordon B Hinckley gives wise council about an equal partnership and explains how he was able to accomplish it in his marriage.
(Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, October 2003, pp. 22, 27)
“I’ve tried to recognize my wife’s individuality, her personality, her desires, her background, her ambitions. Let her fly. Yes, let her fly! Let her develop her own talents. Let her do things her way. Get out of her way, and marvel at what she does…If there is anything that concerns me, it is that some men try to run their wife’s life and tell her everything she ought to do. It will not work. There will not be happiness in the lives of the children nor of the parents where the man tries to run everything and control his wife. They are partners. They are companions in this great venture that we call marriage and family life.”
As the president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, he gives wise council and practices what he preaches.  In an early talk he gives more council to an effective equal partnership.
(Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, August 1992, p. 6)
“Marriage, in its truest form, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but, rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have.”
When partners are equals, they can be more effective parents.  Have you had times in your life when you thought your kid was using your spouse against you to get their way?  Have you been too strict with your children, wanting to protect them, to only find out they rebel more than other children? Have you given your child too much freedom without rules or guidelines and they are going down a path you don’t want them to? There needs to be balance in all things even when it comes to disciplining your children.  Spencer W Kimball and Joseph F. Smith hit the nail on the head when they describe how to discipline your children.
(Spencer W. Kimball, TSWK pp. 340, 341)
“Discipline is probably one of the most important elements in which a mother and father can lead and guide and direct their children…. Setting limits to what a child can do means to that child that you love him and respect him. If you permit the child to do all the things he would like to do without any limits, that means to him that you do not care much about him.”
(Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, p. 286)
“God forbid that there should be any of us so unwisely indulgent, so thoughtless and so shallow in our affection for our children that we dare not check them in a wayward course, in wrong-doing and in their foolish love for the things of the world more than for the things of righteousness, for fear of offending them.”
If we want to become effective parents, we first need to start with our marriage.  Be equal.  Although a husband and wife have different responsibilities and obligations, they should be as equals.  They need to be respectful of one another and help raise the family together.  As these traits are perfected, raising children will be a bit easier and more effective.  Together, you and your spouse can become one and raise children who want and strive to be like Christ every day of their lives.  

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Have you ever had a best friend you had a struggle or frustrations with?  Often times, we don’t always talk to our best friend about it.  Although the problem or quarrel can be solved much easier, we complain to others and seek comfort from people we don’t value as much as our best friend. Why do we do this?  Why do we seek love from less than our best friend?  We are prideful.  We don’t want to talk to our friend if he or she hurt our feelings.  This is the opposite of what we should do.  We need to comfort our friend and work with them to solve this frustrations and conflict.  The guidance is the very same in marriage.  The more distant we are from our spouse, the more we confide or seek comfort from others.  If these people are the opposite sex, it could have devastating consequences.
“Purity” Brother Goddard
This is an example of progression of unfaithfulness
  • Behaviors that seem innocent(doing good, helping in some capacity)
  • An affection grows that claims part of one’s heart
  • Extramarital flirting. Justification- “no harm intended”
  • Relationship declared as “special”
  • Opportunities created to see “special fiend” (one worries what others will say/think)
  • Excuses made, lies told to hide time and resources spent on other person
  • Spouse is displaced. Emotional intimacy exchanged with “special friend”
  • Faultfinding with spouse
  • Fantasies about other person
  • Physical affection-a squeeze, a kiss, a hug
  • Sexual relations
We know sexual relations do n ot just happen out of nowhere.  This progression is exactly what Satan does when it comes to sin.  Little by little he tempts us and tries to distort our way of thinking.  As we push our spouse away, we have to feel that space with something and someone and it leads to dangerous regrettable mistakes.  I’ve spoken about all the bad that can happen, what do we do to avoid all of this negativity and separation from our spouse? We learn to love them.  A student at BYU Idaho struggled with some of these early on unfaithful actions.  She was able to turn it all around and re kindle that love and growth with her husband.  He is her experience.
“As I read the chapter on purity I was horrified.  Tears filled my eyes when I realized that I was in those beginning stages of being unfaithful.  The thought of being unfaithful to my sweetheart is disgusting to me, and yet in a way I was playing with emotional infidelity.  I really love the quote, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence you water.” It is so true! My friendship was not bad, but what was bad was that I was putting energy into the friendship that should have been put into my marriage.  I made a strict commitment to myself and the Lord that I would not share my heart with anyone but my husband and Him.  I had been thinking about my friend worrying about him, a lot, and I decided that was the end and cut it out of my mind.  My friend has other people and the Lord to take care of him.  I changed my usual route waling to class, knowing that I would sometimes run into him on that route.  I stopped talking to him on the computer. All of the energy, thoughts, time on the computer everything I turned over to my husband, plus more. I am again looking for little acts of service I can do to show my husband how much I totally adore him. I am doing the things to build our relationship spiritually and to give God His place in our marriage. I want to have the greenest, most beautiful grass on the side of the fence where my husband is, and I will not let anything in to harm it.  I haven’t spoken to my husband about this wake-up call, but I think he has felt and noticed the changes.”
We all make mistakes and get frustrated with those around us.  It is our duty and responsibility to keep the fidelity between us and our spouse.  Take a breath before making a regrettable decision and think of all the good qualities your spouse possess.  None of us want to lose that and we won’t as we stick to them and are faithful to them.  

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Look Into the Mirror

Often times in my life when I struggle with someone, a friend, family member, or a random individual, I want them to change.  If I feel like they will not budge one bit, I ask our Father in Heaven to help this person change or understand they are wrong.  How wrong was I?  Actions or ways of doing things annoy me or aggravate me.  Often times it is not that a person is breaking rules or doing anything wrong, it is just different from how I would do it. Why do we expect people to change for us?  Why do we think everyone else is in the wrong?  I think we all are a little prideful and can have God mold us into better people.  My prayers to the all-powerful God should not ask to change another, but to help me see them in a different light.  I need to be the one to appreciate people for who they are like Christ did.  When we think of marriage, we might have different frustrations pop up in our mind.  Before you start reflecting on how annoyed you sometimes get with your spouse, read and ponder this quote by Goddard.

“Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage” H. Wallace Goddard

“Those of you who are careful accountants may be thinking that if 70% can’t change, what about the remaining 30% of what we don’t like that can change.  There is another intriguing irony here.  According to Gottman’s thorough research, the ONLY way to get partners to change that 30% is by enjoying them the way they are!  You can spot the irony.  When we love our partners the way they are, we don’t care if they change!  That is the very thing that liberates them to change.  Acceptance is the key to change in those areas where it is possible. 

If we accept our spouses or family and friends for whom they are, it is a win-win.  Both people are happy and it is because both people appreciated one another for who they were and as a result, changed because they love the other person.  Goddard continues in his book explaining about change and how we need to be the ones to change.

“Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage” H. Wallace Goddard

“The only way to build a truly healthy marriage is by being a truly good person-to be changed in our very natures.  President Benson said, “You do change human nature, your own human nature, if you surrender it to Christ.  Human nature can be changed here and now.  Human nature has been changed in the past.  Human nature must be changed on an enormous scale in the future, unless the world is to be drowned in its own blood.  And only Christ can change it.”

Isn’t it interesting, the knowledge we were taught from a young child still holds true as we are an adult.  “Treat others like you would like to be treated.”  Goddard quotes valuable wisdom from Wendy Watson below.

 “The best-kept secret in many marriages is the strengths spouses see in each other. . . . An interesting fact about commending your spouse is that the more you do it, the more you see in him or her to commend.”

Let’s start to change ourselves before we point the finger at our loved ones.  Let’s make our marriages about how we can improve the lives of our spouses and how we can change our view in order to see what a great person they really are.  We have our own faults.  Change what you can in your own life and by the time you do that, you are grateful for your spouse the way she/he is and or they have already changed the habits that annoyed you.  Look into the mirror instead of out the window the next time you wake up. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Managing Conflict

How do we manage conflict?  How do we handle when our spouse gets upset or is upset with us?  I am not married and don’t know what it is like, but I have been in conflicts and have been scolded at and it does not help.  When we hear how awful we are doing or what a terrible job we have done, we don’t feel too encouraged.  If we eventually do what this nagging person asks us to do, we don’t do it out of respect, we do it because we fear another scolding. Gottman shows how degrading can reduce our growth or push us away when he compares adults to children. 
"The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" John M.Gottman
“Adults could learn something in this regard from research into child development. We now know that the key to instilling in children a positive self-image and effective social skills is to communicate to them that we understand their feelings. Children grow and change optimally when we acknowledge their feelings.  Children grow and change optimally when we acknowledge their emotions. (“That doggie scared you,” “You’re crying because you’re sad right now,” “You sound very angry.  Let’s talk about it”) rather than belittle or punish them for their feelings (“It’s silly to be afraid of such a little dog,” “Big boys don’t cry,” “No angry bears allowed in this house, go to your room till you calm down”). When you let a child know that his or her feelings are okay to have, you are also communicating that the child himself or herself is acceptable even when sad or crabby or scared.  This helps the child to feel good about himself or herself, which makes positive growth and change possible.  The same is true for adults.  In order to improve a marriage, we need to feel accepted by our spouse.”
Think in your own life. Do you degrade your spouse or put them down when talking to them?  Do you start your conversation with a harsh start up instead of bringing up something helpful or being considerate?  If you or your spouse does this when there is conflict, then consider what Goddard mentioned in his book.
"Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage" H. Wallace Goddard
“Consecration is a covenant that moves us from asking how we can get our needs met to asking how we can bless and serve.  We become more grateful.  Rather than wondering if this marriage is a good investment that will pay us a handsome return, we ask for heavenly grace that we may love and serve as Jesus served without thought of reward.  While there are destructive relationships that should end, the vast majority of relationships can survive and flourish if each of us brings our whole should as an offering.”
We often get caught up in the self-pity game or pour me.  There are times when our spouse might act inappropriately or out of anger, but most of the time conflicts or disagreements can be resolved civilly and without the “gnashing of teeth.”  Do we often treat our guests better than our spouse when they have done something that would normally infuriate us?  Gottman stopped me in my tracks when I read his more than inspired words. 
"The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" John M.Gottman
“To a certain degree, my fifth principle comes down to having good manners.  It means treating your spouse with the same respect you offer to company. If a guest leaves an umbrella, we say, “Here. You forgot your umbrella.”  We would never think of saying, “What’s wrong with you? You are constantly forgetting things.  Be a little more thoughtful, for God’s sake!  What am I, your slave to go picking up after you?” We are sensitive to the quest’s feelings, even if things don’t go so well. “
When in a debate or disagreement with your spouse, think to yourself, would I want to be talked to or addressed in the manner I am going to communicate?  When you are angry or frustrated, you aren’t yourself and don’t treat people like you normally would.  If a conflict arises this week between you and your spouse, will you take the time to ask for God’s help and see your husband/wife for who they are trying to be?  Will you do your best to not start a conversation with a harsh startup?  Finally, will you help your spouse help feel accepted when he or she is not acting herself? 

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Beware of Pride

Have you ever tried to resolve a problem or plan a project with a stubborn or prideful person?  It isn’t fun, is it? People who won’t give an inch or won’t listen to your advice/input can be very difficult to work with.  We look in the mirror and often think we are humble and willing to listen to other people’s input, when most of the time we are mistaken. H. Wallace Goddard explains this very well.

“Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage”, by H. Wallace Goddard

“The natural man is inclined to love himself and fix others. God has asked us to do the opposite.  We are to fix ourselves by repenting and to love others. It is not surprising that we have difficulties in marriage. We so often do the very things that will destroy our relationships.”

The way to happiness is not asking a person to change all of their small faults or the irritations you have with them, it is looking inside yourself and trying to figure out how you can change your view on things. We don’t have to change our view of our spouse alone; we have our Father in Heaven, who has let us call upon him to perfect ourselves.   Ezra Taft Benson tells why we need to be more humble and how we can turn to God for help. 
 “Beware of Pride”, Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, May 1989

“Pride adversely affects all our relationships--Our relationship with God and His servants, between husband and wife, parent and child, employer and employee, teacher and student, and all mankind.  Our degree of pride determines how we treat our God and our brothers and sisters.  Christ wants to lift us to where He is.  Do we desire to do the same for others?.... We must yield “to the enticings of the Holy Spirit,” put off the prideful “natural man,” become “a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, “and become “as a child, submissive, meek, humble.”

Marriage can be difficult if one or both of us is prideful.  Think about digging a hole for your new pool with a small hand shovel.  As you start, things seem okay.  You get past the soft dirt and into the next layer and you begin to hit rocks.  You look at the size of the area and the depth you need to dig and you ask yourself, why do I have to dig a hole for a pool?  The question is not the pool, because you know the pool will be refreshing and relaxing when finished, but it is what can I do to help dig this hole better?  The answer is simple, get a better tool.  Get a larger shovel.  This is like a relationship.  You have a pool to dig, a spouse with who you can enjoy life, but it’s not their fault that you don’t like some things they do.  Change your tool and you can enjoy your spouse for who he/she is. Goddard explains why we might think it is our partners fault and not our own. 

"Drawing Heaven into Your Marriage", by H. Wallace Goddard

“While the natural man is inclined to think that the problem is our partner, the man of Christ knows that the irritation is probably the result of some faulty thinking-some troublesome assumption and expectation nested in our unconscious.”

Let us all find a better tool we have stored in the back of our messy shed and change how we dig.  We can be humble and learn to love and listen to our spouses to have a happier and more enjoyable marriage. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Be the Person Your Spouse Needs

Often times in my young teenage years, my mother would ask me if I wanted to go to the store with her.  Most of the time I was tired or wanted to relax and watch TV after a long day of school and sports. It wasn’t that I didn’t have time; I just really did not enjoy shopping all the time. 
With time I would go a little more. Some stores my mom needed to go to were in dangerous parts of town and she wanted me to go to help her feel safe.  There were times when my mom would ask and I would think, not really wanting to go, and she said it was okay. I just let her go alone.  This blog consists of marriage, why would I be talking about my mother and me? 
I have learned a life lesson about marriage through this experience.  The times I went with my mother to the store were enjoyable and I learned more about her than I knew prior.  The times she went alone, I was choosing my relaxation time over my mother’s feelings. 
I don’t want to ever do that to my mother again.  I don’t want to tell my future wife I won’t do something just because I don’t enjoy it.  If she likes doing yoga and wants me to do it with her, then I will do it with her. It builds a relationship and you show your love and dedication to her. 
In the book “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John M. Gottman, he paints a picture of how we can turn toward our spouse on a regular bases. 
“Comical as it may sound, romance actually grows when a couple are in the supermarket and the wife says, “Are we out of bleach?” and the husband says, “I don’t know. Let me go get some just in case,” instead of shrugging apathetically.  It grows when you know your spouse is having a bad day at work and you take sixty seconds out of your own workday to leave words of encouragement on his voice mail.  It grows when your wife tells you one morning, “I had the worst nightmare last night,” and you say, “I’m in a bug hurry, but tell me about it now so we can talk about it tonight,” instead of “I don’t have time” In all of these instances husband and wife are making a choice to turn toward each other rather than away.”
I don’t think we have to be the Jones’.  Honestly, the Jones’ don’t exist. There is neither a perfect family nor a perfect marriage, but I think we can have a strong foundation and relationship when we sacrifice a little of our time for the love of our life.
Is your first thought to reject an invitation from your spouse when he or she asks you to do something with him or her? 
If so, turn toward him or her instead of away.  Invest a little time in your relationship to build strong bonds and a lasting relationship. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Cherish Your Spouse

What would marriage be like if you and your spouse did not do anything for each other?  How would your relationship be if you never served each other or strived to know of the others life?   There would be no relationship, let alone love.  Often times people live together and see each other every day and don’t know what one another’s goals, hopes, or dreams are.  It is important to take time to understand one another and do it often because times change in a married couple’s life.
Young couples and or young single adults like me often think after finding the love of our life and getting married, everything will be great forever.  Marriage is combining two minds and wants into one.  When children are born or finances are ruff, even strong relationships can suffer.  It is important to love your spouse, but loving them is more than just a word.  It is understanding them and knowing their wants and desires.  John M Gottman explains how happy couples know one another.
“The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John M. Gottman
“Emotionally intelligent couples are intimately familiar with each other’s world.  I call this having a richly detailed love map, my term for that part of your brain where you store all the relevant information about your partner’s life.  Another way of saying this is that these couples have made plenty of cognitive room for their marriage.  They remember the major events in each other’s history, and they keep updating their information as the facts and feelings of their spouse’s world change.  When she orders him a salad, she knows to ask for his dressing on the side.  If she works late, he’ll tape her favorite TV show because he knows which one it is and when it’s on. HE could tell you how she’s feeling about her boss, and exactly how to get to her office from the elevator.  He knows that religion is important to her but that deep down she has doubts.  She knows that he fears being too much like his father and considers himself a “free spirit.” They know each other’s goals in life, each other’s worries, each other’s hopes. “
As stated before, I am not married, but I would love to have a relationship where my wife and I knew each other so well.  What a great feeling it is to know someone knows you like you know yourself and has taken the time to understand you. 
When I was younger, I had a birthday party.  My brothers came over and gave me gifts.  One of my brothers bought me a solar powered toy boat.  I was surprised first of all and then I had this tremendous joy come over me.  Joy, not because I wanted that specific toy, but he knew what I liked and made an effort to get what interested me.  I want to have that feeling when my wife remembers things that I like or knows what my passions are. I want her to feel every day how I felt that day at my birthday party.  As I take time to understand her and be aware of how she feels, I hope I can become a better husband.  Take time to get to know your spouse as you did when you first met each other.  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Marriage, Can it be saved?

Why is it people who are so happy and inseparable when they get married sometimes grow apart and even end up in divorce a few years later?  Is it because they did not really know each other or because they thought they were in love when they weren’t?  Why do couples that have been married for twenty plus years begin to fight more often and with greater frustration and end up in divorce?  Is it because they grew out of love or began to be tired of one another? 

I think the common answers to these questions are the wrong ones or often misconceptions.  I think people, get married because they really do love each other.  I believe they knew each other well before they committed to becoming husband and wife and having a family together.  I don’t think divorce happens in one instant.  One instant might be the last straw, but built up emotion or frustration has given heat to the original burning fire.

 For as many years as I know I have always heard that the key to a successful marriage is communication.  In my head it seemed to make sense. A married couple who was able to communicate respectfully could get through any struggle or frustrating experience between the two.  While that is much better than yelling at one another or not speaking at all, it is not the underlying problem.  John M Gottaman studied hundreds of couples for over twenty years and said one key to having a great relationship and avoiding divorce was friendship. 

The seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman

John M Gottman, in his book, says this, “Friendship fuels the flames of romance because it offers the best protection against feeling adversarial toward your spouse.  This means that their positive thoughts about each other and their marriage are so pervasive that they tend to supersede their negative feelings.  It takes a much more significant conflict for them to lose their equilibrium as a couple than it would otherwise. Their positivity causes them to feel optimistic about each other and their marriage, to assume positive things about their lives together, and to give each other the benefit of the doubt.”

Some of the happiest couples I have seen have been those who put God first and who serve one another.  If we do as we have been instructed by wise apostles and prophets, we pray to know what we can change in our own lives to help our frustration with another person.  We don’t pray to help them to stop spending all the money or stop an addiction. We ask our father in heaven to help us be mindful of their situation, understand how they feel, and ask him for help and strength of what we can do to help our beloved spouse. 

Gottman explains making a marriage work is simple. “Happily married couples aren’t’ smarter, richer, or more psychologically astute than others. But in their day-to-day lives, they have hit upon a dynamic that keeps their negative thoughts and feelings about each other (which all couples have) from overwhelming their positive ones. They have what I call an emotionally intelligent marriage.” 

I am not married, but a wife and family are in my plans for the future.  I know we will have struggles and frustrations, but if we can have a great friendship and have our positive thoughts and feelings out weight our negative ones, we will be better off than trying to win a battle every time we talk.  I know God intended for man and woman to be together and for us to have families.  I also know this life is a time for learning and growing and because of that we should not expect to have a perfect marriage.   God does expect us to learn and grow and become the best family we can with the struggles we do have.  Marriage is not intended to be dreadful and together our spouses and us can be the ones to make it an enjoyable one. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Eternal Marriage

As a young boy, enjoying playing in the dirt and with toy cars, I had never thought of marriage or a family of my own.  As I grew older I started to think what it would be like to have my own family.  Growing up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I noticed adults mention the difference of getting married in the temple and getting married civilly.  In a civil marriage a man and a woman are married until death.  If God wants us to be like him and live in happiness, why would he give us a family here on earth and then separate us from that family after death?  He wouldn’t.  The temple is the house of the Lord and a man and woman can be married for all time and eternity.  Ezra Taft Benson said it perfectly when he gave a talk about the importance of temples.

What I Hope You Will Teach Your Children about the Temple by President Ezra Taft Benson

“The temple is an ever-present reminder that God intends the family to be eternal. How fitting it is for mothers and fathers to point to the temple and say to their children, “That is the place where we were married for eternity.”
When our children obey the Lord and go to the temple to receive their blessings and enter into the marriage covenant, they enter into the same order of the priesthood that God instituted in the very beginning with father Adam. Our Father’s house is a house of order. We go to His house to enter into that order of priesthood which will entitle us to all that the Father hath, if we are faithful."

When my friends marry outside the temple in a civil marriage I don’t look down upon them.  This world and especially the United States has less married couples than ever before.  I am ecstatic when people marry, committing themselves to one another and showing their families and the community they are willing to be faithful to each other.  I do know the Lord has a plan that extends into the eternities for us.  He does not plan for us to gain friendships and families here and lose them after death.  When people hear “Mormons” talk about how sacred the temple is and all the rich blessings it offers to faithful members, it is not to mock or put down, but it is an expression of joy.  Families know if they are married in the temple and keep their covenants and God’s commandments, they will be with their family after this life for the eternities. The video clip below paints a picture of this hope and joy.

This video shows us Temple Marriage is one of the greatest blessings God has given us on this earth today, but that doesn’t mean everything will be perfect and worry free.  Bruce Hafen explains it beautifully.

Covenant Marriage by Bruce C. Hafen

“Covenant marriage requires a total leap of faith: they must keep their covenants without knowing what risks that may require of them. They must surrender unconditionally, obeying God and sacrificing for each other. Then they will discover what Alma called “incomprehensible joy.”

Although life is tuff and marriage can be difficult, when a couple is married in the temple they can receive more heavenly help from God because they have committed and are living the covenants made in the temple.  I want to live with my family forever.  I want to have “incomprehensible joy” as I reunite with my family after this life.  I know I can have those blessings as I marry in the temple and obey my covenants and God’s commandments. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman

In my life time I have been around people with same-sex attractions.  Gay or lesbian, both are children of God and want to live a normal life.  Although all of us want to live normal lives, when we speak of marriage there is a difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals.  All these debates, now and from the past, speak of equal rights and benefits.  I think it is important we do not discriminate. I think it is important to treat people as you would like to be treated, but when it comes to marriage, I know it is between a man and a woman.

“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” is a document I believe is revelation received from God and what he deems as true. It says,

“We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children. . . .

The family is ordained of God. Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity”

We can debate all day marriage is between a man and a woman, which God has intended it to be, but people have different views on the matter.  For a change, let’s focus on the children instead of what two in love adults demand and desire. 

Wardle, L.D. (2008). The attack on marriage as the union of a man and a woman

Same-sex marriage undermines parenting and child-rearing. Every child deserves to be raised by his or her mother and father. While unwed birth and divorce impair that right for some children of conjugal unions, same-sex marriage guarantees that all children who are born during or raised in such unions will be deprived totally of this fundamental moral right. Further, the linkage between responsible procreation and parenting is weakened when marriage is redefined to allow gay unions that absolutely are incapable of procreation. Also, the co-parenting message of marriage is weakened when marriage is redefined to include relations among same-sex couples that are designed for sexual pleasure and lack the ability to coparent.

It is important for readers to know I am not saying same-sex couples are bad parents. I honestly don’t believe that.  Sometimes same-sex couples provide and care for children as well as the average heterosexual married couple. The point being made instead is the power of being raised by your birth mother and father is very important for a child. Children naturally thrive for their birth parents, a mother and a father.  Below is a testimony from a woman who was raised by homosexual parents.  She said she loves her mom and step mom, but still believes the best place to raise children is in the home of a man and woman.

Katy Faust, Letter-Justice Kennedy, “An Open Letter from the Child of a Loving Gay Parent” (Feb 2015)

“When two adults who cannot procreate want to raise children together, where do those babies come from? Each child is conceived by a mother and a father to whom that child has a natural right. When a child is placed in a same-sex-headed household, she will miss out on at least one critical parental relationship and a vital dual-gender influence. The nature of the adults’ union guarantees this. Whether by adoption, divorce, or third-party reproduction, the adults in this scenario satisfy their heart’s desires, while the child bears the most significant cost: missing out on one or more of her biological parents.

If it is undisputed social science that children suffer greatly when they are abandoned by their biological parents, when their parent’s divorce, when one parent dies, or when they are donor-conceived, then how can it be possible that they are miraculously turning out “even better!” when raised in same-sex-headed households?

Now that I am a parent, I see clearly the beautiful differences my husband and I bring to our family. I see the wholeness and health that my children receive because they have both of their parents living with and loving them. I see how important the role of their father is and how irreplaceable I am as their mother. We play complementary roles in their lives, and neither of us is disposable. In fact, we are both critical.

Making policy that intentionally deprives children of their fundamental rights is something that we should not endorse, incentivize, or promote.”

Although I believe a marriage is between a man and women, it is also important not to forget who the victim is here.  The children who are raised in the United States only have a 50% chance of their mother and father staying together to raise them. Yes, this leaves a bad taste in all of our mouths, but if we allow same-sex marriage it adds to the fire.  Children would be missing one of their parents, probably both, during the most crucial years of their young age.  Again, I don’t think homosexuals are bad people, I just think the child, although they might have wonderful homosexual parents, would miss what a mother and father naturally have to give them.  I know God exists and he has a plan for us on this earth.  I know he wants us to be raised by the families that create us and he gives us the opportunity to live with them after this life for eternity.  

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Marriage and Divorce

Not being married, I often wonder what my future has in store for me.  I imagine a beautiful, hardworking, unselfish, Christ like wife.  My future wife can have all of these qualities, but that does not mean we won’t fight, disagree, or be frustrated with one another. These reasons don’t entitle me to a divorce.  This life is a learning process for everyone and the value of having a companion to work through the hard times and enjoy the good times is priceless. My goal is to find this woman (future wife) and do my best to support her and our children.  For those of us who are not yet married, we need to do our part in searching for our other half. 
Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) (May 2007). Divorce. Ensign
“I speak briefly to those contemplating marriage. The best way to avoid divorce from an unfaithful, abusive, or unsupportive spouse is to avoid marriage to such a person. If you wish to marry well, inquire well. Associations through “hanging out” or exchanging information on the Internet are not a sufficient basis for marriage. There should be dating, followed by careful and thoughtful and thorough courtship. There should be ample opportunities to experience the prospective spouse’s behavior in a variety of circumstances. Fiancés should learn everything they can about the families with whom they will soon be joined in marriage. In all of this, we should realize that a good marriage does not require a perfect man or a perfect woman. It only requires a man and a woman committed to strive together toward perfection.”
We live in a world where half of all marriages end in divorce or separation.  First, know I am NOT here to try and tell everyone if you have been divorced you should have worked harder to fix a broken relationship. I think there are a few circumstances when divorce is appropriate, but for the majority of us, if we focus on serving our spouse and look to the Lord to help the struggling relationship, weaknesses can become strengths. Elder Oaks goes on to say, “Two out of three unhappily married adults who avoided divorce reported being happily married five years later.”  Divorce has happened and will continue to happen, but if you are considering divorce, ponder and put into practice this advice from Elder Dallin H. Oaks.
“If you are already descending into the low state of marriage-in-name-only, please join hands, kneel together, and prayerfully plead for help and the healing power of the Atonement. Your humble and united pleadings will bring you closer to the Lord and to each other and will help you in the hard climb back to marital harmony.”
He continues by explaining how a man and woman should act to be compatible.
“To avoid so-called “incompatibility,” they should be best friends, kind and considerate, sensitive to each other’s needs, always seeking to make each other happy. They should be partners in family finances, working together to regulate their desires for temporal things.”
Overall, from other readings and especially Elder Dallin H. Oaks, I have learned marriage between a man and a woman is essential.  In the bonds of marriage we have the blessing to bare children and raise them in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is evident that when being raised by a father and mother who are trying to become like Christ, the family as a whole, is happier and understand their purpose on earth.  I know God gives us challenges, but when I am married to that wonderful woman I will be glad I get to go through them with her.  Whether single, married, divorced, or thinking of divorce, the Atonement of Christ can help and heal us all. 
Here is a 3 minute clip from an Address Elder Dallin H. Oaks gave on May 2007.  (The above quotes are from this address.)